
Linux command


cal Current month, date calender
Cal 2022 Whole year calendar of 2022
Cal 1947 Whole year calendar of 1947
Cal 08 1947 Display the calendar of august 1947
history Show the whole history of command that’s performed.
who Which user is login
whoami Root (User info)
clear Clear the screen
hostname Show the host name of machine 
Hostnamectl set-hostname hcl1.com Change machine name
hostnamectl Use to query and change the system hostname and related settings.
Date Show the current date and time


Print the information about current machine and the operating system running on it.
Uname -a -a all the info of unmae command
Uname -r Print the kernel release
Umane -s Print the kernel name
Uname -o Print the operating system name
Timedatectl It is use to query and change the system clock and its setting.

You can see the current time and date 

Timedatectl set-time “2022-03-07 16:48” We can change the time.
Timedatectl set-time “2022-03-07 4:32:03” We can change the time.
Timedatectl set-timezone “Asia/kolkata” We can change the time.
Timedatectl list-timezones Display time zone list
Timedatectl set-ntp false

Timedatectl set-ntp true

NTP stands for Network Time Protocol is an internet protocol, which is used to synchronize the system clock between computers. The timedatectl utility enables you to automatically sync your Linux system clock with a remote group of servers using NTP.

Controls whether network time synchronization is active and enabled (if available). If the argument is true, this enables and starts the first existing network synchronization service. If the argument is false, then this disables and stops the known network synchronization services.




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